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181 reviews
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Why I like Houston Heartburn, Dr. Elias Darido

2100 W. Loop South, Suite 1115A
Houston, TX 77027

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Phone832-945-8717 Websitehttp://www.houstonheartburn.com

Houston Heartburn and Reflux Center, the office of Dr. Elias Darido, is dedicated to the treatment of heartburn, acid reflux, and other disorders such as Achalasia.

Read Reviews

Aug 30, 2024


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I cannot express enough gratitude to Dr. Darido for saving my life. I was suffering from severe gastroparesis, and my condition had reached a point where I was ready to give up. I relied on a G/J Tube for daily venting and a Central Line for TPN, and I could barely get out of bed due to debilitating nausea and excruciating pain. Multiple doctors had told me there was nothing more they could do, and I was left to believe that my life was coming to an end.

In a desperate search for hope, I came across Dr. Darido through a Facebook support group and decided to seek his help as a last resort. From the moment I met him, I knew I was in the right hands. He performed surgery, and almost immediately, I began to feel better.

Over time, my improvement has been nothing short of miraculous. My G/J Tube was removed, followed by my Central Line, and just this week, a follow-up test confirmed that my gastroparesis is completely gone. After almost five years, I can eat and drink again. Four months post-op, I feel 20 years younger and am back to living a life that is enjoyable and full of joy.

Dr. Darido's expertise, compassion, and dedication gave me back the life I thought I had lost. I wholeheartedly recommend him to anyone facing similar challenges. He truly is a life-saver.


Aug 21, 2024


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I came to see Dr. Elias Darido at the Houston Heartburn and Reflux Center in December 2023. I had a revision (of a revision) of a failed Nissen Fundoplication surgery, the previous surgeries having been performed by a surgeon in Austin. Dr. Darido was able to fix the failed toupet wrap and I recovered without only the expected amount of difficulty.

What impressed me most was Dr. Darido’s manner of attention and consideration. The incisions for this surgery were further left than my previous surgery—he explained that this was for better access and exposure of the stomach. He also showed me internal photos of the work after the operation, and I immediately notices how precise and symmetrical the stitching was. His actual surgery work had a craftsmanlike execution to it, and it gave me a lot of confidence in his work. My previous surgeon didn’t give nearly the same amount of attention to the surgery itself—he mostly talked about the mesh (and he didn’t perform as much testing as the Houston Heartburn Hospital did).

I would recommend the Houston Heartburn and Reflux Center to anyone who may need a Nissen Funcoplication. In my experiences, Dr. Darido has been one of the best surgeons I’ve gone to, and I’m grateful for his quality work.


Jun 25, 2024


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I cannot rate, Dr. Darido high enough. He truly is the best heart burn/acid reflux surgeon in the city of Houston and probably the state of Texas. I have spent the last 5 to 7 years with severe acid reflux, while seeing a gastrologist every three months for follow up appointments.
My appointments consisted of a new prescription and come back in three months. I believe, I have tried every prescription that is related to heartburn or acid reflux over the last five years, including anything over-the-counter. I was to the point of not being able to bend over without vomiting. I finally started researching on my own and found exactly what I needed. Dr. Dorido is the answer to your prayers if you are struggling with acid reflux. After finding him, I reached out for an appointment. I had an appointment within two weeks. I had a procedure scheduled two weeks after that. There was no nine months waiting to get in. There was no take all these prescriptions and see what happens. He got to the issue and fixed it! if you struggle with heartburn or acid reflex, you cannot go wrong with Dr. Darido. In addition, his office staff, Valerie and Samantha are phenomenal!


Jun 02, 2024


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I spent 7 years controlling my Reflux with medication. Then my father was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer. For the next ten years I lived in fear of genetics, plus fear that excessive adolescent vomiting would lead to dying the way I watched him die. Then my Reflux worsened. Over the next 3 years, I modified what, when, and how much I ate. I learned to accept daily discomfort as normal, until a 5th orthopedic surgery completely stressed my body and my mind. My reflux took off. I spent one more year in complete misery. I doubled my medication. I gave up caffeine, wheat, dairy, sugar, grains, and even fruit, in an effort to control my symptoms. But I couldn’t escape them. Depressed and anxious, I underwent testing for surgery. One local surgeon advocated increasing my medication again as the “next step”. Another found my testing results “inconclusive”, and expressed doubt that Fundiplication would help me. In desperation I hunted nationwide for a surgeon whose specialty was Acid Reflux. I only found one, Dr. Elias Darido. So I scheduled the surgery. Travel to Texas involves 2 turbulent mountain flights, and my insurance would not cover the cost of this out of network surgery. I sold my horse trailer and my saddle, both of which I sadly can no longer use, to make this surgery happen. I travelled alone to Houston on a Monday, Dr. Darido completed his UGI the next day, the test to give him the final information needed for success. Then Wednesday morning I underwent surgery. When I left the hospital the day after, I left 21 years of reflux behind.
I have not experienced ANY reflux problems since surgery.
Not one. It’s been over 2 months since surgery, NO MORE MEDICATION !! I am eating freely, and I feel great. My throat. My stomach. My attitude. My disease trained me to be a timid eater, but now I have the power to explore food as I want, without fear of symptoms punishment. Dr. Darido couldn’t give me back the athletic life I lost to joint problems, but he gave me freedom from Food Prison. This disease is so misunderstood. The repair is delicate, and every individual body is different. Dr. Darido truly understands the disease. Hs success is founded in experience. He has dedicated his life to this one disease and this one surgery. He has completed over 1000 Acid Reflux surgeries. He has seen subtle variations. He has seen extreme examples. His skill is remarkable and his confidence and self-assurance are earned. He runs an incredibly professional business, his staff, Samantha, Brenda and Valerie, are three of the most kind, empathetic, efficient individuals I have met in the course of my lifetime, including my 5 prior orthopedic surgeries. Brenda holds a special place in my heart, for taking my hand in the hospital and walking with me thru the dark hours. Dr. Darido himself really cares. He actually gave me his personal cell phone over the weekend while I was recovering. And when I texted twice with questions, he replied within minutes. His staff practice the same amazing dedication. Calls are always taken immediately, and if, by chance, your call is not answered and you choose not to leave a message, you WILL be called back to ascertain if you need help. Both potential patients and existing patients are treated with respect, consideration, and encouragement, from initial evaluation through aftercare. And this support makes a world of difference as you take a leap of faith to escape the disease. I cannot say enough wonderful things about the amazing business Dr. Darido runs, and the awe inspiring surgeon he is. If you are ready to stop being imprisoned by food, and you don’t want to gamble with your freedom, find a way to overcome the inconvenience of travel and expense. Let Dr.Darido give you a life to enjoy, not endure. There are not enough stars in the sky for this review. With sincere eternal gratitude, patient and FORMER acid reflux sufferer.
Kathryn C. – Montana


Apr 30, 2024


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I am a 40 year old mom of 4. I had surgery for gastroparesis and GERD about 10 months ago. I found Dr. Darido online and did lots of research before decided to meet with him and get surgery done. I traveled from Missouri to Texas because there is no one in my area that would do a surgery like Dr. Darido. It was well worth the time, travel, and money. I have had another gastric emptying test and my gastroparesis is gone! I don't have GERD or any heartburn anymore. I am totally back to living my life and feeling great. I was told there was no way to cure gastroparesis. I couldn't imagine living like that the rest of my life. Dr. Darido is a miracle worker. He gave me quality of life again.


Apr 19, 2024


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It’s been just shy of three months post-surgery from my Nissen Fundoplication with Dr. Darido. Truly, the surgery was life-changing for me!

I had been suffering off and on over the past several years with acid reflux/GERD whenever I would eat a rich meal or something spicy. I honestly thought it was gallbladder issues, and the problem was my diet. It increasingly became more frequent and severe with each episode. Then about 6 months ago, it became unbearable… it didn’t matter what I ate, how early I ate, how little I ate… the GERD and discomfort was happening every night; so much so, that I had to sleep fully elevated on a pillow… if I even slept at all! At this point, I was only eating bland foods… oatmeal, grilled chicken breast and a plain baked potato, and was carrying around a 40oz Stanley, not because it was trendy, but because I needed to sip water around the clock to help with the acid burning my throat. I also never ate past 5PM, and was not going to bed until almost midnight to try and allow my food to fully digest. Nothing I did seemed to work.

Finally, after months of not being able to sleep, eat or even remotely enjoy life, I decided enough was enough. I found Dr. Darido and his team through a Google search, and was amazed by all of the 5-star reviews! Especially once I did research on the procedure itself… it became obvious that all specialists are not created equal, and Dr. Darido was the real deal!

After my initial consultation, I was scheduled for an upper G.I. scope. Turns out, I had a huge hiatal hernia! So a week later, I was in surgery to make the repair. The hardest part for me was the liquid / puréed diet for the next four weeks (I’m an unapologetic foodie!!). But the month went by quickly, and I was amazed by how much better I felt without all of the acid reflux and esophageal spasms I’d been having. Oh, and I did have lots of questions / concerns throughout the healing process… Dr. Darido answered every single one of my texts within seconds of hitting send! I was completely blown away by this level of medical care!!

The last couple of months have been so eye opening for me. It’s crazy how we as humans adapt to feeling bad, and then chalk it up to aging / middle age (I’m 53). The hernia didn’t happen overnight (Dr. Darido thinks I’d had it at least 10 years!), and the symptoms steadily progressed over time. In addition to the acid reflux, I had other things going on that I mistakenly attributed to age, menopause, hormones, etc… shortness of breath, elevated heart rate, fatigue, brain fog, bloating and weight gain (no matter how healthy I ate or how little I ate), lack of motivation / interest in almost everything, I could go on and on! Now, a little over 11 weeks post-op, I am truly amazed by how I feel! I literally feel as though I’m 20 years younger! All of those symptoms are now gone, I feel incredible, and I can now eat whatever I want! Spicy, acidic, coffee, wine, you name it! I am finally living my best life, and I am so forever grateful for that simple Google search that led me here.

If you are suffering from acid reflux, heartburn or GERD, even if it’s just once or twice a week, that’s no way to live! Call Dr. Darido… he will change all of that! I honestly cannot express how impressed I am by him, his knowledge and skill, and his passion for helping people reclaim their lives! I am finally living again, and I owe it all to Dr. Darido and his team!! ??


Apr 19, 2024


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Dr. Darido is a genius with fixing heart burn pain, a week out of my surgery and I’m already feeling 100%. The nurses are all very helpful and nice with the recovery. Every detail is explained to you without any confusion. 10/10 and for sure the best doctor to go to for this issue.


Mar 12, 2024


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I want to share my experience of being treated by Dr. Elias Darido and his team. I want all the people who feel the way I felt to know that this center exists and that our lives can change after being evaluated and treated by Dr. Darido. I had been sick for almost four years, I had received many treatments, I had visited several doctors, I had spent a lot of money on visits to specialists, blood tests, ultrasounds, CT scans, endoscopy, colonoscopy, I had also woken up in hospitals for my abdominal pain and then receiving very high medical bills, I had no quality of life, even if I tried to eat well, nothing I did gave good results, the heartburn got so bad that I always felt it, I was unable to eat or drink, the vomiting became part of my daily life, the simple act of lowering my head a little I would vomit spontaneously without being able to do anything to prevent it, the nights were endless, I used to vomit on the pillow, on the floor, when I caught myself asleep the feeling of suffocation was terrible, it happened The days I was very tired, my tooth enamel was greatly affected by the acid, but everything changed when my husband and I discovered this heartburn and gastric reflux center and Dr. Garido took my case, his evaluation was very dynamic, he did the exams on me. minimum necessary to reach a diagnosis and a safe treatment for me, he scheduled my operation quickly, I had a very large hiatal hernia, my gastroesophageal reflux was of a high degree, the pressures in the esophagus were very low and no one had taken that into account before, Only today I can say that I am celebrating day number 19 of the post-operative period and my life is different. Since I arrived at the surgical center, I have been treated extremely well. I passed all the professional check-ups with great seriousness and care. Dr. Darido gave me a lot of confidence and he took very good care of me, he went to evaluate me, he gave us all the guidelines to have an excellent post-operative period, with his help I have fulfilled it and I can say that on the third day I no longer felt any discomfort, I have complied with the dietary guidelines because I want to always be well, I already enjoy sleeping without fear of reflux, I have never felt pain in my abdomen again, this life will not be enough for me to thank Dr Darido for his accurate diagnosis, my individualized treatment, because he honestly saved my life by giving me another opportunity and prevent my situation from becoming more complicated, I only regret not having found it sooner, there are many people who suffer from heartburn and reflux and we are not treated correctly, may God bless you so that you can continue helping so many patients.


Mar 04, 2024


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Dr. Darido: Where do I even start? Words can scarcely express the gratitude I feel towards you. I have being battling with my gut for so many years, that by the time I ended up with you, I was almost in a kind of a depression and it was almost too late. Your exceptional care and knowledge has enhanced my health and overall well-being. Just three weeks since my surgery and the difference in my health is already evident.
For an agonizingly long time, I coped with numerous health issues that were persistently ignored or minimized by other medical professionals. This left me feeling invalidated and despondent, especially when I suspected that my symptoms pointed to serious health concerns. They made me feel like it was all in my head, which compounded my frustration and despair.
After I prayed for guidance from the Lord, He led me to you. From my very first appointment, it was clear that you know what you doing. You listened intently, posed insightful questions, and ordered comprehensive examinations that had been previously dismissed as unnecessary by other doctors. Your dedication to uncovering the root causes of my health issues was apparent, embodying the true essence of healing by addressing the core rather than merely alleviating symptoms.
I am only in my third week of healing, but I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Darido to anyone seeking a doctor whose commitment to his patients is as genuine as his medical insights are deep. He listens; he cares and goes the extra mile to ensure your health issues are thoroughly addressed. You need to look no further than Dr. Darido. Thank you Doc, you are the best.
Oh and I cannot forget to mention Samantha. She is amazing, the most respectful, professional person on earth. Thank you for making me feel important. You are a true asset to any business and I wish you all the best.
Elaine Ness


Mar 02, 2024


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A true hero - I had surgery with Dr. Darido for reflux. I had a previous surgery that wasn’t effective and left me with a lot of scar tissue so my primary doc searched around for someone with the experience to do a revision as it was going to take several hours. I am so very grateful that my symptoms are minimal since the surgery. Before everything burned my throat and chest. Now only if I eat really really greasy food I will have minor symptoms. I couldn’t even drink juice before the surgery. Now I can drink all the juice I want. I had several questions after the procedure and Dr. Darido made me an appointment within a day or two to ask the questions. He was always extremely patient and compassionate with me and my wife. Honest I think he’s just an amazing doctor and wish more doctors were as kind and experienced as him.


Feb 26, 2024


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Dr. Elias Darido and his team changed my life. For years I was having trouble eating due to Aclysia type 2. Dr. Darido was easy to work with and affordable. I meet with 2 other surgeons and Dr. Darido's experience and expertise was clear to see. thank you!


Feb 21, 2024


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I had surgery with Dr. Davidoff Feb 8th 2024. It was a life changing experience. I had been suffering with pain for 2 years. Dr. Darido knew exactly what to do. I went in for surgery and woke up pain free. It was an amazing experience. The post surgery recovery was faster then I expected. I can't thank him enough. He is very knowledgeable about his specialty and I trust his judgment completely. His staff were very helpful and helped put my wife and I at ease. I traveled from Puerto Rico for this and they were terrific about facilitating everything in the time I had. I would highly recommend Dr. Darido to anyone with a hernia or severe heartburn symptoms. I only wish I had come to him sooner. Thanks again to everyone at Houston Heart Burn.


Dec 15, 2023


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First Holiday season with 0 heartburn in a long time! surgery was a year and a half ago and it was a GREAT decision to say the least! I hope You are well Dr Darido!


Dec 05, 2023


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I am very happy and grateful to Dr. Darido and his team for the excellent work done before surgery, in surgery and after surgery, the results obtained in my health speak for themselves, stability in my blood pressure, higher energy to perform physical activities, lose 85 pounds in the first 5 months after surgery. I recommend to anyone who wants to recover their health, attend the Doctor's office.
Rodney Perez


Nov 10, 2023


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Dr. Darido literally changed my life. I'm 5 years post-op from his fundoplication surgery and life has never been better. I am no longer a slave to heartburn/reflux and can eat and drink anything I want, with zero suffering afterwards. No more popping antacids, no more sleeping upright with multiple pillows, no more daily misery and suffering. My only regret is that I didn't meet Dr. Darido 30 years ago. People don't understand that GERD is a progressive illness, and over time, you can lose your swallowing reflex completely. This happened to my father in his 80's after decades of GERD and it was absolute misery for him in his last decade of life. By the time I went to see Dr. Darido, I had a positive biopsy for Barrett's esophagus (a vastly increased potential for esophageal cancer) and had lost 90% of my swallowing reflex. Scary! I've just had a 5-year follow-up endoscopy and my Barrett's is GONE. My swallowing reflex is vastly improved, and zero heartburn. EVER.

Dr. Darido is probably the top "heartburn doctor" in the world, and we're lucky to have him in Houston, TX. The success of fundoplication is 100% in the hands of a highly-experienced and skilful surgeon. Sadly, there are many less skilled doctors out there doing this procedure (or other procedures like LINX, which have, at best, a 50% success rate).

I'd fly across the world to have Dr. Darido do this surgery. I trust him that much (I'm a nurse and holistic nutritionist and I know a good doc when I see one).

If you are on the fence about taking care of your heartburn problem for good, this is the doctor to see. Don't wait. The long-term damage can be HUGE (and permanent).

5-stars, the BEST doctor out there to change your life for the better!!! Thank you, Dr. Darido!


Oct 22, 2023


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Let me start by saying thanks Dr. Elias Darido. He literally saved my life. From past 2 and half years, I was living miserable life with severe GERD and LPR symptoms. The reflux was so severe that I ended up getting asthma since it’s flowing back to my lungs. I met three gastroenterologist before. All kept on prescribing me PPIs and asking me to change diet. I am 28 year old skinny person with very healthy diet. Even Eating simple food was giving me GERD symptoms.

I ended up finding Houston heartburn centre. I was very pleased and convinced with my first visit that I scheduled my manometry and barium x-ray next day. Only thing I can say is Dr. Darido understood my condition well and right. Hiatal hernia showed up on EGD which no other doctor noticed. I scheduled my hiatal Hernia repair and Nissen fundoplication surgery in July 2023. 4 months out of surgery, no more GERD or asthma. I feel like a normal person again. I can eat everything. No more PPIs and no more inhalers.

I would highly recommend Dr. Darido if you are suffering from GERD.


Sep 29, 2023


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The ladies in his office are the best. They were so nice and treat you like you are the only patient. Dr. Darido is AMAZING I should have done this surgery years ago. I had a hernia repair and nissen fundoplication wrap.


Aug 06, 2023


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I know it sounds incredibly trite & possibly even cliche, but I really can not overstate the fact that Dr. Darido literally saved my life.

I’m 40 years old and have suffered from GI issues since I was a baby. I’ve had numerous tests, seen tons of various doctors and tried multiple treatment options (including previous surgeries) all with no relief. While I’ve been sick for so long that it was pretty much just routine to feel awful at this point, I suddenly took a turn for the worse about 18 months ago and became dangerously underweight and malnourished rather quickly. At the point where I found Dr. Darido online I weighed less than 100 lbs and was too weak to get out of bed most days.

My case ended up being quite complicated and rare, but Dr. Darido did not give up on finding both the correct diagnosis as well as a solution.

I had my first surgery May 2022, a Heller Myotomy, hernia repair and Fundolupcation. The recovery was a breeze, I was able to leave the hospital the very next day and hardly had any pain.

My second surgery was April 2023, of which I am just over 3 months post-op from. I had a partial gastrectomy (a modified gastric sleeve) to treat my remaining and debilitating gastroparesis. While this surgery recovery was far more grueling (hence the 11 month wait), Dr. Darido was able to offer me all the support and education to make it through the recovery I needed. I ended up with a very serious complication just hours after the surgery due to my mistakenly taking a medication with aspirin in it several times in the 2 weeks leading up to surgery and ended up in an emergency situation requiring I be brought back into surgery ASAP. However I was absolutely blown away with how Dr. Darido handled the entire episode from start to finish. He immediately came to the hospital and stayed in my room, or had another doctor in my room, while all the testing was being done & the data evaluated. He spoke firmly but respectfully with nurses and medical staff in explaining what exactly needed to be done when, and when everything started to point to an emergent situation, he didn’t hesitate to make the critical decisions necessary to save me. For this I will forever be grateful.

After all of that, here I am already 10 lbs heavier, eating regularly, not a single episode of nausea or pain and living my life fully for the first time in years. I do still have a bit of acid reflux unfortunately, but I will gladly take that in exchange for my life.

If you suffer from gastrointestinal issues, especially gastroparesis, please set up an appointment with his office. There is hope to get better!


Aug 01, 2023


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Where do I begin!? ?

For the past 10 years I’ve been miserable with heartburn that quickly advanced to GERD. I had Zantac, Omeprazole, Tums and mints in every car, purse and work bag.

After my recent pregnancy, heartburn went from manageable with meds to unmanageable. I woke up numerous time in my sleep choking on acid, nausea kicked in and I went into a good depression. I ate bland foods, stop drinking wine (which I love) and always felt bloated! ??

Finally, I google “GERD”; “HEARTBURN” desperate for answers. Dr. Dairdo popped up with the most knowledge & expertise. I even found his media clippings further explaining his expertise in this procedure.

I met with Dr. D while I was pregnant, unfortunately I had to wait until I had the baby and wait past my postpartum timeframe.

I literally counted down the time until I could have this procedure done. The minute I reached out, Dr. Dairdo said let’s see what’s going on! We had an endoscopy, an ultrasound with Contrast which confirmed a large Hiatal Hernia & a severe case of GERD.

I had my surgery on July 19th, today I feel GREAT! ?????? I haven’t had any heartburn, bloating or choking. ??? the protein shakes I drank during my recovery, I couldn’t even drink those before today!

The surgery was quick, and all the medical staff said Dr. Dairdo was the best when they asked who my dr was. ? My incisions are healing beautifully. The diet after surgery isn’t bad at all, PLUS I lost some weight! Which I’m pretty excited about. I had my follow up appt yesterday and I was a little emotional after that… emotional because this really is going to change my life from here on out.

Yes I was scared! Yes I was nervous… but the way I saw it was: you have two options reading my review… you can either get down to the root cause of your symptoms and decide to go with Surgery. OR you can continue to mask the problems with meds like I did for too long!

Dr. Dairdo, thank you for being thorough, for demanding excellence from your staff and medical staff. First Surgical Hospital was a great place to have this surgery and I appreciate your dedication to ending Heartburn!


Jun 03, 2023


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I am a medical doctor and because i know fellow doctors i don't always have respect for their work, in short there are a few great doctors, a few horrible doctors and a lot of average doctors. When i went in for my fundoplication, i wanted someone exceptional with hundreds of fundoplications under his belt, because the implications of a bad fundo are severe.
I found that doctor with Darido. He knows his reflux, and he knows his surgery and he is about as good as anyone you will ever be able to find. I know, because i just had my surgery and have just been through the process with him and it was very positive.
he is a great doctor of which there are only few out there. You absolutely must go to someone with specialized knowledge in this field if you are going to get a good outcome and he is it.
