Dr. Nasir Is The Orthodontist Of Choice

  • Orthodontist
  • Rating: 5
  • Review By: Cox C
  • Reviewed by:
  • On February 3, 2015
  • Last modified:February 3, 2015

Review Summary:

Dr. Nasir has been the orthodontist of choice for the children of many of our friends. Now our son is a patient. Dr. Nasir is great with kids and a master of his craft, great friendly staff too!

Dr. Nasir has been the orthodontist of choice for the children of many of our friends. Now our son is a patient. Dr. Nasir is great with kids and a master of his craft, great friendly staff too!

Nasir Orthodontics review by Cox C. in Houston, TX on February 03, 2015

  • Orthodontist
  • Rating: 5
  • Review By: Cox C
  • Reviewed by:
  • On February 3, 2015
  • Last modified:February 3, 2015